Dance Contract for Guests

School dances are an important part of life for students at Duanesburg Jr./Sr. High School. They provide an opportunity for students to socialize, relax and have fun with their friends. However, it is necessary that certain guidelines be observed in maintaining a safe environment for all students attending.

1. All guests must be a Junior or Senior High School student.
2. Dances are held from 6:30-9:00 pm for Junior High and 7-10 pm for Senior High. Students and guests are not allowed inside the building until 6:30 pm for Junior High and 7pm for Senior High. Parents must accept the responsibility of ensuring proper supervision until the doors open for admission.
3. Student and guests are to remain in the building during the dance. If a student and/or guest leave the building during the dance, he/she will not be allowed re-entry to the dance.
4. Students and guests are not permitted to loiter outside the building or anywhere on school grounds during the dance.
5. Dance contracts for guests must be turned in to the main office at least two days before the dance for approval. On the day of the dance, DCS student must stop in main office to check for the approval of their guest.
6. All school rules are in effect.
7. If a student and/or their guest is removed from the dance for a serious infraction of school rules, his/her parent(s) will be notified immediately to come and get him/her. A serious infraction includes, but is not limited to, involvement with tobacco products, alcohol or any other illegal substance, fighting, weapons, endangering the safety of themselves or others and vandalism or theft of school property.

This contract must be signed by the parent/legal guardian of the guest, the guest and the principal of the guest’s school district. The guest will not be allowed to attend any dance if this contract has not been signed and returned to the school.

DCS student’s name:

Date form filled out:

Signature of DCS student’s parent/guardian:

Guest’s name:

Guest’s signature:

Signature of guest’s parent/guardian:

Signature of guest’s school principal: