Apr. 22, 2020 BOCES Admin. Budget & BOCES Board Member Vote Minutes

6:30 p.m., Remote broadcast: https://stream.meet.google.com/stream/5becc159-f267-4230-8c3e-2f34c464c1df

Board Goals
1. To provide opportunities to improve overall student success by developing and recognizing student achievement in all areas.
2. Ensure and secure the district’s fiscal stability while delivering exceptional educational results at a cost appropriate to the community’s economic condition.
3. Continue to nurture, support and improve the school district culture of a safe, welcoming and inclusive climate with a strong emphasis on effective strategies that support all students.
4. Continually evaluate, maintain and improve facilities that address the current and future needs of our district and provide students, employees and community members with an inviting, safe, efficient and modern infrastructure.
5. Continually explore methods to provide concise, clear and consistent two-way communication among all school and community members.
6. Identify and partner with resources that will assist us in the fulfillment of our mission.

ROLL CALL: Pres. Camille Siano Ender VP Deb Grier Jennifer Sexton Shayne Mitchell Henry “Dirk” Felton Teresa Wood-Irvin Dianne Grant

MEETING CALLED TO ORDER at 6:38 p.m. by President Siano Enders.

1. Approve BOCES Administrative Budget
BE IT RESOLVED that the Duanesburg Board of Education authorizes the Board of Cooperative Educational Services of Albany-Schoharie-Schenectady-Saratoga counties be authorized to expend the sums set forth in the Administrative Budget document in the total amount of $12,193,150 during the school year 2020-21 and to raise such sum by assessments to component school districts, non-component school districts, other BOCES and other sources as required by law.
Motion by Board Member Grant, seconded by Board Member Felton.
In favor:  6
Opposed:  0
Absent:  1
Motion Carried

2. BOCES Board of Education Members Vote
BE IT RESOLVED that the Duanesburg Board of Education hereby casts its vote for the following candidates to fill four (4) open seats for the term of July 1, 2020 – June 30, 2023 on the Board of Cooperative Educational Services (BOCES) of Albany-Schoharie-Schenectady-Saratoga Counties:
 John Bergeron, Nancy DelPrado, Naomi Hoffman and John Phelan
Motion by Board Member Mitchell, seconded by Board Member Grant.
In favor:  6
Opposed:  0
Absent:  1
Motion Carried

Meeting adjourned at 6:42 pm.

Motion by Board Member Wood-Irvin, seconded by Board Member Felton.
In favor: 6
Opposed: 0  
Absent:  1       
Motion Carried

Respectfully submitted,
Celeste E Junge 
District Clerk

JZ/JR/KL/AC/JM/PH/KW/RU/CD/SG/LG/WB/cej: 4/23/2020